Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The last Post!!

Now that I have done 17 days to make a difference I have learnt a lot about my self like I am Capable of doing heaps if I stick my head in a little further than usual. I have also learnt that just doing 1 little job it can make a big difference which is what i have done. when I rate how well i did on this task I have to be honest and say that I put a lot/some effort in this task out of 10 I would say 7/10 but I am still proud of what I have done. During this task I have learnt that a good citizen doesn't have to do big things all the time they could do just little things and it would still make a Difference.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Friday 6th June 2009

Today I had dinner at Jaime's and to make a difference i helped clean up the mess and every one said "thank you" and again I felt good about doing what I did.

Thursday 4th June 2009

Today was a horse riding day so to make a difference I stayed behind and cleaned up the stable. It was disgusting but the stable was a lot cleaner afterwards Hans said "thanks for all the help" and then I left and went home feeling good about myself for cleaning up poo.  

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wednesday 3rd June 2009

Today I gave my dog a really good groom and a bath the funny thing was she likes the hair dryer so after I dried her with the towel I got the hair dryer out and and I put It on low and did the rest of her she surprising really liked it and then she licked me when I picked her up so I guess that, that was her way of saying thank you.   


Tuesday 2nd June 2009

Today I went and cleaned up all the dinner dishes and putted them into the dishwasher my mum said "thanks alot" then I felt good about doing this.

Monday 1st June 2009

Today I went shopping and I helped my dad pick out some shoes for my sister to go to netball in. My sister really liked the shoes and said thank you for them.

Friday the 27th May 2009

Today I was sick and away from school and so was my brother and sister so at lunch time I made every one soup in bed and I made myself some as well it was yum. Harrie and Tom both were very thankful and we all slept for most of the afternoon which was good.

Thursday 26th May 2009

Today I helped my sister with her homework and afterwards she understood all the stuff that she didn't before we started. Later that day when she came home from school she said that her teacher was impressed. Then she gave me a big hug to say thank you. Harrie made me feel really good about what I did.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Wednesday 25th May 2009

Today I made every one afternoon tea which was biscuits muffins and Juice it was very nice and the whole plate was finished so that meant that every one liked the food.

Tuesday 24th May 2009

Today I made every ones lunches this morning for my whole family then my family all said "thank you" and when they got home and complemented on how well I made their lunch and by saying that, they made me feel good about my deed.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Monday 23rd May 2009

Today I folded up the washing and I putted the other load into the tumble dryer and folded that up and on top of all that my Dad needed help with his soccer coaching so I volunteered to be his assistant coach and then he said "Thank- You for everything you have been a big help this afternoon" and that made me feel good about my deed and made me feel like I made a difference.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Friday 22nd May 2009

Today I started the 20hr famine I am doing the no talking famine and no eating I have so far raised over $80.00c. I by doing this famine I am giving the people who need resources like water and schools and all that other stuff that help us live I know that I am making a difference because I am saving lives by giving them water and money etc.

Thursday 21st May 2009

Today i made a difference by giving the dog a bath. In the process I got soaked because she does not like her baths so she kept trying to escape which was so annoying. Anyway once I had finished giving her a bath I dried her and putted her down on the ground and she ran directly to mum. Mum picked her up and stroked her and smelt her and said "Wow Tyler she smells really good and she is so soft the vet will be very pleased" I felt good about my deed because my Mum and the vet said what a good job i had done. When we left my sister had a jealous look on her face LOL :).

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wednesday 20th May 2009

Today I vacuumed the house and washed the floors. I know I made a difference when my Mum said "Thank You" and "The house and the floors are a lot cleaner now" and that saying made me flee a lot happier about doing the house. 

Monday, May 18, 2009

Tuesday the 19th May 2009

Today I cleaned up the poo that the dog did and all the places that my sister steped because she had steped in some outside then I made the house smell nicer than it did by using air freshner then my mum said "Thank You for cleaning that up Tyler that is one job I dont have to do this morning" and I said "your welcome".

Monday the 18th May 2008

Today I made dinner for the family which is something I don't really do when every one finished the meal every one said "thank you" and "that was delicious" and by saying that it made me feel good about my deed.